National Assembly Committee to examine the availability of obesity services in Wales

Published 02/12/2013   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

National Assembly Committee to examine the availability of obesity services in Wales

2 December 2013

A National Assembly Committee has begun a public consultation as part of a new inquiry into the availability of obesity services in Wales.

The Committee aims to consider current provision of services and identify areas where further action could be effective. The main issues the Health and Social Care Committee will be looking at include:

  • The effectiveness of specialist services in tackling the rising numbers of overweight and obese people in Wales; and,

  • The eligibility criteria of patients and the availability of obesity surgery and specialist weight management services across Wales.

The Committee is looking for contributions to its inquiry from people with experience of these services including patients, medics, and providers of services.

“The rising numbers of overweight and obese people in Wales is well documented. It is an issue we cannot afford to ignore from the perspective of the nation’s health or the public purse” said David Rees AM, Chair of the Health and Social Care Committee.

“Although prevention is better than cure, in some cases, obesity surgery is a necessary option. That is why the Committee is looking at the availability of services across the country including bariatric surgery and related support services.

“We are keen to review what progress is being made by the health service across Wales to revise – and broaden - the criteria for eligible patients. We will also explore what steps are being taken to increase provision of weight management services, as recommended in March 2013 by the Welsh Health Specialised Services Committee.

“I would ask that anyone with experience of these services, either as a patient or from the medical and support side, share their views with us to help inform our findings.”

Anyone wishing to contribute to the inquiry can either email or write to:

Committee Clerk

Health and Social Care Committee

National Assembly for Wales

Cardiff Bay


CF99 1NA

The closing date for the public consultation is 24 January 2014.

Statistics on obesity levels in Wales are available in the latest Welsh Health Survey which was published in September 2013.