National Assembly committee to review the integration of public transport across Wales

Published 05/09/2012   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

National Assembly committee to review the integration of public transport across Wales

5 September 2012

A National Assembly for Wales committee is set to examine just how well-integrated public transport is across the country.

The Enterprise and Business Committee inquiry will focus on bus, rail and community transport services across Wales, including which factors currently limit their integration.

Among the key issues the committee will be considering are:

  • How can the integration of rail, bus and community transport services in Wales be supported and improved to meet the needs of communities and businesses in both rural and urban Wales?

  • How effectively does Welsh Government policy support public transport integration?

  • What innovative approaches to delivery of public transport in Wales might be considered to improve integration?

  • How effectively do key stakeholders, particularly transport operators and public bodies, cooperate to ensure effective service delivery?

  • How can the creation of a Network Rail Wales devolved route support effective, integrated public transport in Wales?

“An integrated public transport service is a key factor in a successful economy and in sustaining our communities,” said Nick Ramsay AM, Chair of the Enterprise and Business Committee.

“We want to hear from travellers as part of this inquiry – from planning your route, checking timetables and booking tickets to making and completing your journey.

“Our inquiry will build a complete picture of how the network operates and where improvements can be made.

“We also want to hear of innovative approaches to fill any gaps in the system or enhance and integrate the network still further.”

Anyone wishing to submit evidence as part of the inquiry can either email or write to: Clerk to the Enterprise and Business Committee, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff, CF99 1NA.

The public consultation closes on Friday, 2 November 2012.