National Assembly for Wales launches app

Published 25/03/2015   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

The National Assembly for Wales has launched a mobile app, giving people another way of finding out what is happening at the Assembly.

The app, which will be launched on Saturday 28 March at the TEDX reception held in the Senedd, aims to present key information in a clear, straightforward way.

The aim is to make information on Assembly work easily accessible to people on their mobile devices, in Welsh and English. The app will be updated and improved based on user feedback.

"We live in the digital age where more and more people access their information, and their news, through digital platforms," said the Assembly's Presiding Officer, Dame Rosemary Butler AM.

"I want everyone in Wales to be engaged with the work of the National Assembly, and the laws we make must reflect the hopes and aspirations of communities across Wales.

"That means that we have to communicate through the channels and devices that many of us now use on a daily basis and I hope our new app will mean more people engage with us."

Peter Black AM, the National Assembly Commissioner with responsibility for the ICT, broadcasting and e-democracy said:

"With more of our users than ever before viewing our content on mobile devices, including nearly 60 per cent of videos watched on our YouTube channel, the creation of this new app is a natural progression in our online engagement activity.

"We are committed to improving how content is linked and presented through our online platforms, and we hope the app will make it easier for people to find out about the National Assembly, using whatever platforms they want to."

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