The National Assembly for Wales has been rated among the top five employers of LGBT staff in the UK for the fifth year running.
The latest annual Stonewall Workplace Equality Index has also placed the organisation as the top employer in Wales, has recognised it as a top trans-inclusive partner, and a Star Performer.
"The National Assembly for Wales is proud to maintain a top five place in the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index – for the fifth year running," said Elin Jones AM, Llywydd of the National Assembly for Wales.
"It shows that we have developed and sustained an inclusive culture demonstrating the Senedd's commitment to represent all of Wales' diverse communities.
"We are determined to continue to make the National Assembly an enjoyable and rewarding place to work for all people as we believe the organisation achieves more with a diverse and inclusive workforce."
The National Assembly Commission, which is responsible for ensuring the day-to-day running of the Assembly and providing support to AMs, has a range of training resources and policies in place to promote the institution as a trans-inclusive employer.
Joyce Watson AM, Assembly Commissioner with responsibility for equality said:
"Once again it is a wonderful achievement to be held in such high regard in Stonewall's Workplace Equality Index and I'd like to extend my thanks to all staff for their involvement and commitment to ensuring the National Assembly is an inclusive place to work.
"To consistently rank so highly is testament to our beliefs and I hope other organisations and companies can take inspiration from our approach."
The National Assembly has an active LGBT+ staff network called OUT-NAW. Staff and supporters share information with colleagues, provide peer support and organise Assembly's participation in events including Pride, LGBT History Month, International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, Bisexual Visibility Day, and Trans Day of Visibility.
Outside contractors are also encouraged to adopt inclusive work place practices.
Chief Executive and Clerk to the National Assembly for Wales, Manon Antoniazzi AM, said:
"Promoting LGBT equality is an important part of who we are and is exemplified throughout the organisation - from our vibrant LGBT staff network, the training, resources and policies we have in place and the celebration of equality which is actively led by senior management.
"We also value sharing best practice across a wide range of other organisations, in both the public and private sectors, and will continue to encourage and be inspired by the efforts of others."