National Assembly recognised as the UK’s top employer for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people

Published 31/01/2018   |   Last Updated 14/02/2018

The National Assembly for Wales has been recognised as the 2018 UK leading employer for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the latest Stonewall Workplace Equality Index.

National Assembly recognised by Stonewall UK

It's the first time the Assembly has topped the list and comes ten years since it first entered the index. Since then the Assembly has steadily worked its way up and has featured in the top ten for the past four years.

Stonewall also highly commended the Assembly’s work in promoting, recognising and supporting transgender equality, citing it as one of only 11 exemplar organisations in the UK.

Elin Jones AM, Llywydd of the National Assembly for Wales, said:

"We are truly honoured to be recognised by Stonewall as the leading employer in the UK for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

"The National Assembly has diversity and inclusion at the very heart of its role representing the people of Wales.

“We are proud to support our LGBT staff network and continue to work to create an inclusive culture – not only for the people who work here but for the people we represent across all Wales’ diverse communities.  

“As Wales’ parliament, it is right that we should lead by example to demonstrate what can be achieved with the right attitudes, leadership and determination.

“This is not only a great day for the Assembly, it’s also good news for staff in the many other Welsh organisations represented in the top 100 employers. They demonstrate people in Wales clearly understand the value of inclusive policy and service delivery and I congratulate them all.”

Joyce Watson AM, Assembly Commissioner with responsibility for diversity and inclusion, said:

"This is a wonderful achievement which comes on the tenth anniversary of the Assembly first being recognised in the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index.

"It is a testament to the dedication of our staff, in particular our diversity and inclusion team, for embracing and ingraining LGBT equality in all aspects of our work representing the people of Wales.

"Our success shows that incremental changes in policy and a willing approach to changing attitudes can achieve so much and serve as an example to others.”

Andrew White, Director of Stonewall Cymru, said: 

‘I am constantly impressed with how employers across Wales are transforming the lives and opportunities of LGBT people, these results show that our small but proud nation is once again leading the way.  

‘We know that despite the advances of LGBT rights in recent years, people in Wales still experience discrimination, abuse and isolation at work, at home and in our communities.  The work of LGBT-inclusive employers is vital in securing a more prosperous, healthier and more equal nation for future generations. 

‘Creating the best environment at work for all staff results in a happier, healthier workforce, better services, and increased productivity. Workplace equality isn’t just right, it’s good for business.  

‘Our national parliament is rightfully championing equality, especially trans equality. The positive actions they have taken set a great example to all employers on how much can be achieved with the right leadership and desire to effect positive change.’

The National Assembly has in place a number of policies and activities promoting diversity and inclusion, including:

  • The annual celebration of LGBT History Month and International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia;
  • Attendance at Cardiff Pride and Swansea Sparkle events;
  • The introduction of gender neutral toilet and shower facilities for staff and visitors;
  • Embedding Equality Impact Assessments in corporate policies such as the mental health policy for staff;
  • Developed inclusive policies such as our Transitioning at Work policy and guidance on supporting non-binary people. 
  •  Provision of trans awareness training and a range of training interventions on supporting LGBT staff; and
  •  Provision of peer support through the LGBT workplace equality network, OUT-NAW.