National Assembly to meet in north Wales

Published 06/02/2020   |   Last Updated 06/02/2020

​The National Assembly for Wales is planning to conduct a week of business in the north east later this year, as part of an on-going programme to engage the people of Wales with its work.

The Commission – the panel of Assembly Members that runs the Assembly – agreed to meet in the north later this summer. Discussions with Welsh Government and other partners are on-going.

The Llywydd, Elin Jones AM, said:

"Engaging all the people of Wales in the work of the Assembly is one of our key priorities – that's why I'm excited that we're making preparations to take the Senedd north later this year.

"Initial discussions with the Welsh Government and Commissioners have been supportive, and we're now working on the detail of what the week looks like.

"This initiative builds on the Assembly’s programme to involve and engage with all the people of Wales. For the last few years we’ve run regular Senedd@ weeks in Swansea, Newport, Wrexham, Mold and Aberystwyth, where committees and engagement work have focused on a particular town. Last year, we held a Citizen’s Assembly to look at how we engage with people. We also have a regular programme of education and engagement activity across Wales."

The Commission has agreed to invest in engagement work, and staff have been asked to consider costs and ensure value for money.

The Llywydd added:

"Meeting in the north will create new opportunities for people to attend and participate in the work of the Senedd. I am excited by the possibilities that are opening up."

Next week, the Assembly's Business Committee will consider an outline business programme for the week, and further details will be announced in due course.