New homes should be fitted with fire sprinklers in order to save lives, Assembly Committee says.
12 November 2010
A proposed new law which would compel house builders to fit automatic sprinklers into new homes built in Wales has been backed by the National Assembly’s Legislation Committee No.1.
The proposed Domestic Fire Safety (Wales) Measure was introduced by Vale of Clwyd AM Ann Jones after she won the Member ballot to bring forward legislation.
After a four-month inquiry, in which they heard evidence from the Fire Service, house builders and representatives from the water industry, the Committee has now recommended that Assembly Members support the proposed Measure in principle.
“We accept that fire safety in the home has improved over the years and that homes built today are likely to be better protected against the effects of fire than older housing,” said Committee Chair, Rosemary Butler AM.
“However, we cannot ignore the evidence presented to us - that 80 per cent of deaths and injuries from fire in Wales occur in the home.
“This suggests that additional action in this area is required, and we have received compelling evidence that automatic fire suppression systems will complement and provide benefits over and above existing fire safety measures, including hard wired smoke detectors.”
The proposed Domestic Fire Safety (Wales) Measure will now be debated in Plenary on 24 November when the Assembly will decide whether it should progress further.