Older people’s Commissioner to attend first Assembly Committee meeting

Published 26/06/2008   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Older people’s Commissioner to attend first Assembly Committee meeting

Ruth Marks, the new Older People’s Commissioner for Wales, will attend her first committee meeting at the National Assembly when she holds discussions with the Equality of Opportunity Committee on Wednesday July 2nd.

Ms Marks, appointed as Older People’s Commissioner for Wales in April this year, will set out her short and medium term priorities and discuss her role with committee members.  She will also highlight areas of concern for Older People, helping the Committee to focus its scrutiny of the Welsh Assembly Government.  At the same meeting, the Committee will also discuss published documentsfor visually impaired people with representatives of Deafblind UK.

Chair of the Committee Ann Jones said: “The role of older people’s commissioner is a very important one and I am thrilled that Ms Marks has taken on the role and is committed to protecting and promoting the rights of older people in Wales.  Naturally we are delighted that people in Wales enjoy longer lives than in the past, but there are still many challenges and difficulties facing older people today.  I look forward to hearing how Ms Marks envisages her role will work, and how we as a committee can assist her in ensuring older people have a voice.“

The meeting takes place in committee room 3, the Senedd, Cardiff Bay on Wednesday July 2nd from 9.15am until midday.

Further information about the committee