Our digital future - Llywydd sets up task force to inform Assembly’s future digital services

Published 02/08/2016   |   Last Updated 01/08/2016

​The Llywydd of the National Assembly for Wales, Elin Jones AM, will signal her intention to invite experts from the field of digital communications to form a task force to recommend ways in which the Assembly can deliver engaging and accessible news and information about the legislature’s work.

The Llywydd will discuss her ambition during an “in conversation” event with ITV Wales’s Catrin Haf Jones at the Societies Pavilion, at the National Eisteddfod, on 2 August at 11.00.

“We are witnessing a revolution in people’s expectations about the services provided by news and information sources,” the Llywydd said.

“We can’t ignore the pressures that conventional Welsh media outlets are facing and the impact that is having in terms of informing the people of Wales about the work of the National Assembly. Our own Senedd.tv and other communication platforms need a refresh. We can turn this media deficit into an opportunity to design our own means of communicating and interacting with the people of Wales, using all kinds of new technology and social media. We can take best practice from other parliaments and organisations and get the most innovative minds to help us plan for this work.

“If the Assembly and its work are to remain relevant in an age where the boundaries between broadcast, print and digital are more nebulous than ever, we must change our information-sharing practices and set ourselves new goals as a news provider.
“This challenge is not unique to the Assembly – it is a continuing challenge for the third sector, the private sector and the public sector, too. To ensure a strong voice and identity for our work, we must draw from the expertise and experience of innovative institutions and individuals in the field. I hope that the taskforce, which will complete its work before the end of the year, will come forward with exciting recommendations.”