‘Parenting Champion’ needed in Wales to secure best possible start for our children and young people

Published 19/05/2009   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

‘Parenting Champion’ needed in Wales to secure best possible start for our children and young people

Aelodau'r Pwyllgor yn lansio addroddiad yng Nghanolfan Plant Trelai a Chaerau

Committee Members launching report at Ely and Caerau Children's Centre

The National Assembly for Wales’ Children and Young People Committee want the Welsh Government to appoint a national ‘parenting champion’.

The role would have responsibility for ensuring that all parents in Wales have access to the information and services they require to ensure their children get the best possible start in life.

It’s the main recommendation of the committee’s report which is being published after 13 months of evidence gathering.

Committee members joined parents at the Ely and Caerau Children’s Centre to launch the report today (May 19).

It’s an example of what can be achieved when young parents can access the services they need.

“There is an awful lot of good work taking place in centres like this, to support parents in Wales,” said committee chair, Helen Mary Jones AM.

“But there’s also a lot of confusion about parenting support, with Government departments not speaking to each other effectively, and a lack of strategic leadership.  

“There is also a cultural perception that parenting support is something to be embarrassed about, as if it’s only for ‘failed parents.’  Many of the parents we spoke with in our inquiry said they felt embarrassed or afraid when asking for parenting support, when they should have been applauded for trying to provide the best parenting possible for their children.

“We believe the Welsh government needs to appoint a senior figure, who wouldn’t be a civil servant or a government Minister, but who would work with the government to co-ordinate parenting support. We think they should be called the “parenting champion,” and be responsible for providing leadership, better-co ordination of work across government departments, eradicating stigma associated with parenting support, and developing a recognised ‘National Parenting Brand’ for all activities undertaken to support parents.  

”The impact of parenting on a child is profound and lasts for lifetimes, affecting the contribution a child makes to their society. Yet so often the value of parenting is overlooked in our culture, and only gets attention when something goes wrong.  We urge the Welsh government to take the recommendations contained in this report seriously for the sake of our children who will, in turn, become parents themselves one day.”

The report contains 11 recommendations to the Welsh government, and was based on evidence taken over 4 formal committee meetings, informal meetings with over 40 parents in Cardiff and Flintshire, and written evidence from over 30 organisations.

Aelodau'r Pwyllgor yn lansio addroddiad yng Nghanolfan Plant Trelai a Chaerau

Committee Members launching report at Ely and Caerau Children's Centre