Pembrokeshire sewer petition given swift consideration by Petitions Committee

Published 24/11/2011   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Pembrokeshire sewer petition given swift consideration by Petitions Committee

24 November 2011

The National Assembly’s Petitions Committee has acted swiftly in its consideration of a petition against the installation of a public sewer in Freshwater East in Pembrokeshire.

The petition states that installation of the public sewer would have a negative effect on the community in Freshwater East - environmentally, economically and culturally.

It claims that a public sewer is not needed and the current private sewer system is satisfactory.

The petitioners state that the matter was referred to Welsh Water and Environment Agency Wales without prior consultation with local residents.

The Welsh Government is now due to take enforcement action against Welsh Water - which has yet to install the public sewer - on 7 December.

Given the timescales involved, the decision was taken to write to John Griffiths AM, Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development, prior to the Committee’s official meeting on 29 November, when the petition is due to be discussed.

In accordance with Petitions Committee procedures, Chair of the Committee, William Powell AM, can write to a Minister before a petition is officially brought before the Committee, to gain views on its content.

The letter asks for the background to the Welsh Government’s decision to take action in this regard and asks the Minister to consider delaying the enforcement action to allow proper consideration of the petition and full consultation with the community involved.