Presiding Officer to lay wreath at Welsh memorial in Flanders

Published 14/08/2014   |   Last Updated 24/02/2015

The National Assembly’s Presiding Officer, Dame Rosemary Butler AM, will lay a wreath on 16 August at a new memorial dedicated to the hundreds Welsh heroes who fell in one of the First World War’s bloodiest battles.

The memorial has been built in Langemark, near Ypres, to commemorate the men of the 38 Welsh Division who fought and died on Pilckem Ridge during the Battle of Passchendaele, Belgium, during 1917.

Among those killed in the battle, that the memorial will honour, is the Welsh poet Hedd Wyn (Ellis Humphrey Evans)

The memorial has been built thanks in large part to the efforts of Peter Carter Jones, a retired police officer from Wales, who set up a campaign to raise money for it following a trip to Langemark in 2010.

“Many monuments exist to mark the sacrifice made at Passchendaele by men from many nations,” Dame Rosemary said.

“But the Welsh soldiers who laid down their lives during that bloody battle have, until now, had no such tribute specifically dedicated to their sacrifice.

“I would like to thank Peter, and all those involved in this campaign, for their tireless work to raise money and ultimately realise this important memorial.

“It is important that, as we mark the centenary of this most brutal of wars, we recognise the sacrifice made by the thousands of Welsh soldiers and it is an honour for me to represent the National Assembly for Wales at the dedication of this memorial.”

The Presiding Officer will be joined by the leaders of the four Welsh political parties at the ceremony on 16 August.

Peter Carter Jones said: “On behalf of the Welsh Memorial in Flanders Campaign, I’m delighted that Dame Rosemary Butler AM will be present to represent, and lay a wreath on behalf of, the National Assembly for Wales at this important service of dedication to honour the sacrifice and memory of the Welsh soldiers who died during the First World War."