Proposal to end postcode lottery for social care still raises concerns

Published 04/11/2009   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Proposal to end postcode lottery for social care still raises concerns

4 November 2009

The National Assembly for Wales’s Legislation Committee No. 5 has raised concerns about a proposed measure designed to end the postcode lottery for social care services.

Having taken evidence from local authorities, care providers and organisations, the committee agreed in principle with the Welsh Government’s plan to standardise charges across all local authorities but had reservations about what it could mean for those who rely on social care in their own homes.

In particular the Committee wants to ensure some users would not be worse off as a result of introducing a maximum charge for home visit services.

We are also concerned to ensure that the level of services offered by local authorities would not be compromised through the raising of eligibility thresholds of people applying for social care if, for instance, an authority felt it was suffering cost pressures as a consequence of the measure,” said chair of Legislation Committee No. 4, Mark Isherwood AM.

The Committee has however welcomed the Welsh Government’s pledge to reimburse local authorities for any additional costs incurred as a result of the measure. The Committee also noted the concerns of local authorities that this should not be at the expense of future funding of current services which they consider essential.

Among the amendments recommended by the Committee is an underlying principle ensuring no service user should be worse off under the proposed measure and a commitment from local authorities to inform users about how much they will be expected to pay before they get their first bill.

The Committee also wants to see a clear right of appeal process for users who feel their charges are disproportionate and for that appeal process to be independent of the local authority involved.

The proposed Measure gives Welsh Ministers the regulation making powers to implement the general principle of the proposed Measure, e.g. the level of the maximum charge, who or what services will be excluded from charging, and how the means testing will work.

Witnesses raised many concerns with us about how the policy would be implemented in regulations. The Deputy Minister will have to address these concerns when the regulations are being developed and we therefore welcome her commitment to consult widely on them”, said the Chair.