Public consultation on participation in sport and the Olympic legacy in Wales

Published 02/05/2013   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

Public consultation on participation in sport and the Olympic legacy in Wales

2 May 2013

A National Assembly for Wales Committee has begun a public consultation on participation in sport and the Olympic legacy.

The Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee intends to focus specifically on sport, but within the wider context of the Welsh Government’s commitment to increasing levels of physical activity more generally.

The consultation will examine the following areas in more detail:

·       The extent to which the Welsh Government and Sport Wales are achieving the goals set out in the Programme for Government, the Creating an Active Wales action plan and the Vision for Sport in Wales with regard to participation levels in sport;  

·       The availability of datasets and statistics to measure participation levels in sport, particularly those disaggregated by equality strand and socio-economic groups;

·       The opportunities and barriers to sports participation that exist for different groups of people, including by equality strand and socio-economic groups;

·       What are the links between programmes to develop sport in Wales and other Welsh Government initiatives to increase physical activity; and

·       The impact of the Olympic and Paralympic legacy, the Ryder Cup and other high profile Welsh sporting events and achievements on participation levels in Wales.

“The Olympics and the Paralympics had a profound effect on the whole country and the performances of our Welsh competitors were inspirational,” said Christine Chapman AM, Chair of the Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee.

“But the roar of the crowds has since faded and the Committee wants to find out how that inspiration and enthusiasm has been harnessed and capitalised on.

“We will also examine what progress the Welsh Government has made in increasing participation in sport and what opportunities and barriers exist for different groups of people.”

Anyone wishing to contribute to the inquiry can either email, or write to:

Committee Clerk

Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee

National Assembly for Wales

Cardiff Bay, CF99 1NA.

Submissions should arrive by Friday 31 May. It may not be possible to take into account responses received after this date.