Report on Poverty and Deprivation in Rural Wales challenges Assembly Government

Published 23/07/2008   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Report on Poverty and Deprivation in Rural Wales challenges Assembly Government

The Rural Development Sub-Committee of the National Assembly for Wales will launch its report on Poverty and Deprivation in Rural Wales at the National Assembly for Wales pavilion at the Royal Welsh Show on Wednesday July 23rd at 11.15am.

The Report will challenge the Assembly Government to recognise and understand the different ways in which poverty impacts people’s lives in rural Wales. The Report demonstrates the different nature of poverty in rural communities and lists the issues.

Committee Chair, Alun Davies said, “We have heard some striking and emotional evidence from many different people. It is clear that the impact of poverty on people in rural Wales is not fully appreciated by government. We have seen the effects of hidden ‘pockets’ of poverty and deprivation in many of our rural communities. All too often poverty and deprivation are seen as an urban phenomenon and resources to address these issues tend to be targeted at urban areas, where higher concentrations exist. Now it is time to ensure that the rural poor are not the forgotten poor. “

The report focuses on eight key themes which have arisen throughout the inquiry and we have made a number of recommendations within each theme.  For example, in relation to income and employment, we are recommending that the Assembly Government seeks to develop a more varied economy in rural areas, through targeted resources, including business support.  As regards transport, we would also like to see the concessionary bus fare scheme broadened to allow older people to access concessionary travel on other modes of transport, such as community transport and trains, where adequate bus provision is not available.

And, in relation to housing, we are recommending that Planning Guidance be strengthened to enable more affordable housing to be developed in rural areas and to allow rural authorities to release more land for this purpose.

Notes to editors

Rural Development Committee Members

Alun Davies AM, Chair (Labour, Mid and West Wales)

Mike German AM (Liberal Democrats, South Wales East) deputising for Mick Bates AM (Liberal Democrats, Montgomeryshire)

Alun Ffred Jones AM (Plaid, Arfon)

Brynle Williams AM (Conservative, North Wales)

Three of the four committee members will be present at the launch event, which will include a Q&A session. You are welcome to send a reporter and / or photographer to cover the event. Please contact Iwan Williamson 07976 412546 or to arrange this.

More information about the committee and its inquiry