The Chief Executive and Clerk of the Assembly, Claire Clancy, has announced that she has appointed Professor Laura McAllister to be a member of the Remuneration Board.
Announcing the appointment, Claire Clancy said: “I am delighted that Professor McAllister has agreed to join the Board. Laura has great credentials for this role - deep knowledge and understanding of politics and politicians, internationally recognised expertise and proven judgement at the highest levels of public life.”
Laura McAllister is the Chair of Sport Wales and a leading academic expert on devolution, public policy and Welsh politics. She was also a member of the Richard Commission on the Powers and Electoral Arrangements for the National Assembly for Wales that reported in March 2004.
The Remuneration Board is an independent statutory body whose role is to set all aspects of financial support available to Members of the National Assembly for Wales. The Board will publish its decisions on all aspects of financial support for Members of the next Assembly, to be elected in May 2016, in the spring of 2015.