Rural Development Sub-Committee to look at poverty in rural Wales

Published 05/12/2007   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

Rural Development Sub-Committee to look at poverty in rural Wales

The Assembly’s Rural Development Sub-Committee has agreed the terms of reference for its new inquiry into poverty and deprivation in rural Wales. The terms of reference are:

  • To examine issues relating to poverty and deprivation in rural Wales and to scrutinise the relevance and effectiveness of Welsh Assembly Government policy in this area.

  • With reference to available data sources, the Sub-committee will examine the extent and nature of poverty and deprivation in rural Wales.

  • The Sub-committee will examine issues relating to poverty and deprivation in rural Wales by reference to the following groups:

Children and young people;
The economically active;
The economically inactive; and
Older people.

The Sub-committee will be issuing a call for written evidence and taking oral evidence on the new inquiry early in the New Year.

Further information about the committee