Rural Schools Report published by Assembly Committee

Published 28/11/2008   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Rural Schools Report published by Assembly Committee

The Rural Development Sub-Committee today (Thursday) launched its report- INQUIRY INTO THE REORGANISATION OF SCHOOLS IN RURAL WALES.  The report is a result of a six month inquiry into how education is provided in rural primary schools following a petition from Powys Community School Action Group.  Specifically, the Committee looked at whether there are any wider social and educational issues associated with primary school reorganisation, such as the impact on communities, families and children and how this is taken into consideration as part of the decision-making process.  

During its investigation, Committee members heard evidence from the Minister for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills, academics, statutory bodies and lobby groups that included the petitioners and  parents.  

The Committee’s inquiry also looked at:

  • examples of reorganisation in rural Wales and elsewhere to understand the processes and learn from any innovative approaches.   

  • existing and proposed Welsh Assembly Government policy and guidance and whether they adequately deal with the wider issues that may be associated with the reorganisation of rural primary schools; and

  • the role of Estyn in reporting on schools and LEAs.

Fourteen recommendations are made in the report which include calling on the Welsh Assembly Government to offer improved guidance to local authorities on how to manage change and consultation with local communities on future decisions relating to primary education in their areas.

Alun Davies AM, Chair of the Committee, said:

“As a Committee each one of us was aware of the strength of feeling and emotion at the outset of this inquiry.  The future of small rural schools has aroused very real and passionate debate throughout the whole of Wales.

“I hope that our conclusions offer a clear steer for the Welsh Assembly Government and local authorities on how to define their future strategies for managing change and reorganisation.  It has to be a fundamental role and responsibility of Government to safeguard the quality of life of its citizens and to promote the well-being of all of our communities, irrespective of geography, size or wealth.  This report will hopefully empower decision makers and offer clearer guidance on how to proceed in future.

“We were asked to take forward this inquiry as a result of a petition from a group of parents in Powys.  I hope that they and others will recognise that this inquiry and resulting report demonstrates how people throughout Wales now have the power to shape the agenda of the National Assembly and the work programme of its Committees.”

Copies of the report are available from:

Rural Development Sub-Committee

Committee Service

National Assembly for Wales

Cardiff Bay

CF99 1NA

Tel: 029 2089 8148


An electronic version of this report will be available on the Committee’s website:

Notes to Editors:

  1. The Committee members are Alun Davies AM, Chair, Mick Bates AM, Brynle Williams AM and Rhodri Glyn Thomas AM.

  2. Origins of the Inquiry.  The National Assembly’s Petitions Committee received a petition from Powys Community Schools Action, on 20 September 2007, which stated: “We call upon the Welsh Assembly Government to sustain the communities of Powys, the most rural of Welsh counties, and to halt and reverse the pressure on Powys County Council to close the schools which are the heart of those communities.”  The Petitions Committee subsequently invited the Rural Development Sub-Committee to undertake an inquiry into the issues raised.