Senedd and Elections (Wales) Bill: Statement by the Llywydd, Elin Jones AM

Published 14/11/2019   |   Last Updated 14/11/2019

Statement by the Llywydd, Elin Jones AM

"I am pleased that the Senedd and Elections (Wales) Bill has moved another step towards the end of its legislative journey.

It is encouraging to see a clear majority of Assembly Members in favour of lowering the voting age to 16 at a time of such political significance.

The Youth Parliament has made a real impression in its first year and is testament to the positive outcomes of giving young people a voice. Lowering the voting age will no doubt build on this work.

The final stage of the Bill will be debated in two weeks and I hope that at least two thirds of all AMs will feel able to give their support to this important legislation."

Information about the Assembly Reform Programme can be found here.