Senedd to fly flags at half mast on Sunday

Published 09/01/2015   |   Last Updated 17/02/2015

​Flags at the Senedd in Cardiff Bay will be flown at half-mast this Sunday, 11 January from 5pm, as a mark of respect for the victims of the gun attack on the office of France's satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo that killed 12 people.

The Honorary Consul of France in Cardiff are organising a gathering at 6pm in front of the Senedd in Cardiff Bay where a minute of silence will be observed.

Over 300 people have confirmed their attendance with those attending asked to light candles to show their solidarity with the victims of the shooting and to show their commitment to freedom of speech.

National Assembly for Wales Presiding Officer, Dame Rosemary Butler AM, said:

"I'm sure everyone in Wales was appalled to hear the news of the killings at the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris on Wednesday."

"As a mark of respect to those that lost their lives and to show our solidarity with the people of France, flags at the Senedd building in Cardiff Bay will be flown at half-mast on Sunday."