Senedd to mark St David’s Day with a taste of Wales

Published 27/02/2012   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Senedd to mark St David’s Day with a taste of Wales

27 February 2012

Visitors to the Senedd will be offered a taste of Wales on St David’s Day (1 March).

The National Assembly’s Presiding Officer, Rosemary Butler AM, will welcome some of Wales’s foremost food producers to the Senedd. There, they will show off some of the skills and produce that is allowing Welsh food to make its mark the world over.

“Farming and food production are some of our biggest industries here in Wales,” said the Presiding Officer.

“So what better way to mark St David’s Day than by celebrating the wealth of food that we produce?

“It is such an important sector in terms of creating a sustainable forward-looking economy, and it’s important that we recognise the financial contribution these producers are making to Wales.

“It will also put a smile on everyone’s face in the Senedd as they get the chance to taste some fine Welsh food.”

The Presiding Officer will welcome guests to the Senedd at 12.10 followed by a performance by the Caldicot Male Voice choir.

Following that performance guests will be able to enjoy food demonstration by the Welsh Culinary Team until 13.30.