#SeneddSwansea –National Assembly to spend week in Swansea to increase democratic engagement

Published 07/10/2015   |   Last Updated 07/10/2015

The National Assembly for Wales will host a series of events across Swansea between 12-16 October to increase engagement with the Assembly's work.

The programme of events is part of Presiding Officer, Dame Rosemary Butler AM's drive to demonstrate to the people of Wales how the Assembly is working for them.

During the week, Swansea will host three formal Assembly committee meetings, and the Assembly will work with various schools, colleges and community groups to inform them about how the Assembly works and opportunities to influence its work.

"The Assembly Members who represent Swansea, Gower and South Wales West, like all Members, do an excellent job representing the views of their constituents when we scrutinise legislation or Welsh Government policy at the Senedd," said Dame Rosemary.

"Yet when you look at the number of people in Swansea who voted in the last Assembly election, or those who engage with the Assembly on a regular basis, the figures suggest there's still a disconnect with the political process. 

"If people don't engage and vote, their voice or opinion won't be heard.  Increasing contact with the people of Wales is one of the Assembly's core objectives and it is important that we hear the hopes and aspirations of all communities in Wales.

"That's why we are in Swansea – we want to hear from the people of Swansea this week ensuring that we create a sound basis for future engagement."

The National Assembly is partnered with the South Wales Evening Post to deliver #SeneddSwansea week.

"Swansea is delighted that the National Assembly is coming to the city," said Evening Post Editor, Jonathan Roberts.

"This event will provide an opportunity for real engagement between politicians and public on a range of issues affecting us in South West Wales.

"While our local AMs enjoy a considerable public profile through the local media, supporting their work in the community, the wider role of the Assembly is perhaps less well reported at a local level.

"We look forward to using this week as a platform to highlight just how the Assembly is working for Swansea.  With a number of exciting developments on the horizon, not only in the city but right across the Swansea Bay region, there could be no better time to ask the important questions to the people that matter.

"As an official partner, the Evening Post is proud to be taking a central role in that process."