#SeneddWrexham – National Assembly to pop-up in Wrexham in bid to increase democratic engagement

Published 20/03/2015   |   Last Updated 20/03/2015

The National Assembly for Wales will host a series of pop-up events across Wrexham between 23-27 March in a bid to increase engagement with the Assembly's work.

The programme of events is part of Presiding Officer, Dame Rosemary Butler AM's drive to increase the engagement of the people of Wales, with the work of the National Assembly.

It will be one of several events, planned by the Assembly, to reach out to communities across Wales.

"The Assembly Members who represent Wrexham, Flintshire and wider North Wales, like all Members, do an excellent join representing the views of their constituents when we scrutinise legislation or Welsh Government policy at the Senedd," said Dame Rosemary.

"They make robust contribution to the debates we have, yet when you look at the number of people in Wrexham who voted in the last Assembly election, or those who engage with the Assembly on a regular basis, the figures suggest we still face a disconnect with the political process. 

"If people don't engage and vote, their voice or opinion won't be heard.  Increasing contact with the people of Wales is one of the Assembly's core objectives and it is important that we hear the hopes and aspirations of all communities in Wales.

"That's why we are in Wrexham for a week – I want the people of Wrexham to engage directly with the work of the National Assembly.

"But we won't stop in Wrexham.  Our aim is to do the same thing in other parts of Wales where engagement with the work of the Assembly is low."

The pop-up venues will be:

Monday 23 March – Wrexham Town market – Queens Square, Wrexham

Tuesday 24 March – Queens Square, Wrexham

Wednesday 25 March – Contact Wrexham, Lord Street, Wrexham

Thursday 26 March – Coleg Cambria, Yale Campus, Wrexham

Friday 27 March – Glyndwr University, Mold Road, Wrexham

The following events will also take place at Glyndŵr University:

  • 26 March – Votes@16 youth engagement event with young people from across Wrexham to discuss the Presiding Officer's national conversation about lowering the voting age to 16;
  • 27 March – Hyperlocal News Day with community journalist from North Wales, in partnership with Glyndŵr University and Cardiff University's Centre for Community Journalism;
  • 27 March - #POWiPL Women in Public Life campaign event with female Assembly Members and female councillors on the panel and women from across North Wales in the audience to look at ways of getting more women into public office in Wales.

The National Assembly has partnered with Glyndŵr University and the Wrexham Leader to deliver #SeneddWrexham Week.

Professor Graham Upton, interim Vice-Chancellor of Glyndwr University, said: "We are delighted to support the National Assembly in bringing this programme of events to Wrexham, and to our campus.

"It will give students and people from across the region an opportunity to find out more about what the Assembly does, to engage socially and politically with the organisation and to feed back on the incredible work happening in this area of the country.

"North East Wales is a hotbed of industrial strength with pioneering companies leading on all aspects of technology, including aerospace and engineering.  Glyndwr University is at the heart of it and pleased to be playing such an important role in what will be a hugely important event for both the local area and the National Assembly itself."

Editorial Director of the Leader, Barrie Jones, said: "The Leader is pleased to be associated with the Assembly events being held across Wrexham.  As a local newspaper we strive always to reflect the opinions and aspirations of our readers.  Engaging fully with the democratic processes we have at our disposal is a key part of this.  To be heard loud and clear in Cardiff we here in North East Wales need to shout as loud as possible and to ensure we take every opportunity in voicing our ambitions and concerns.

"One of the Assembly's core objectives is to encourage and develop that engagement across Wales.  Here in Wrexham we have plenty to celebrate and we also see our position clearly as an important part of a devolved Wales.  We welcome every opportunity to enhance that identity."