Should the National Assembly for Wales have more powers over Community Councils – have your say!
Do you think that the National Assembly for Wales should have more powers to make laws relating to Community Councils in Wales?
Well the Assembly’s Legislation Committee No. 2 is currently scrutinising the National Assembly for Wales Legislative Competence Local Government Order relating to community councils and councillor recruitment, retention and allowances.
The committee now wants to hear from all interested parties as well as members of the public to feed into the scrutiny process.
At present the National Assembly for Wales does not have the power to legislate for changes to the law covering the constitution, structure and responsibilities of community councils, community reviews, and the relationship between tiers of government or councillor allowances.
Anyone wishing to submit evidence can do so to or write to Sarah Beasley, Committee Clerk, Legislation Office, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff, CF99 1NA.
Click here for further details of the proposed order
Submissions have to be handed in by Friday, September 18.