Statement from the Llywydd: Consultation on Assembly Reform

Published 08/02/2018   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

Elin Jones AM, Llywydd of the National Assembly for Wales has issued the following statement following the unanimous passing of a motion by the Assembly to undertake a consultation on electoral reform:

"I welcome the unanimous support of the Assembly yesterday, which enables the Commission to consult on a series of possible reforms to the electoral system, capacity and organisation of the Assembly. I would like to thank my fellow Members for the positive nature of our discussion today on a series of complex and challenging issues.

“The powers that will be transferred from Westminster to the Assembly by the Wales Act 2017 will enable us to make our own arrangements for elections and the legislature for the first time. Now, we will start a conversation with the people of Wales about their hopes and ambitions for their Parliament. 

I heard a strong message from Members about the importance of explaining the plans thoroughly and clearly to the people of Wales, and about the importance of creating a Parliament which reflects the communities we represent, including the voices of young people and women. Our consultation reflects these priorities and we will proceed with our plans next week.”