STEM inquiry - web chats with Assembly Members

Published 04/04/2014   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

STEM inquiry - web chats with Assembly Members

4 April 2014

We are looking for students and apprentices to take part in a web-chat with Assembly Members about Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Skills in Wales.

We want to hear your views on whether you think enough is being done to encourage young people to enter Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths courses. We would also like to hear your views on whether these courses enable young people to develop the required skills for a career in these fields.

If you’re interested in taking part please send us an expression of interest to  Please include the following details in your submission:

•Your name

•A contact telephone number

•E-mail address

•Details of your course (including details of where you are studying, course name, current year of study etc.)

•Your home postcode

•A little about why you would like to take part.

The web-chat will take place on the morning of 30 April, and will include a preliminary test web-chat, the details of which will be announced soon.

This web-chat will be a part of the Enterprise and Business Committee Inquiry into STEM skills, and this is your opportunity to have your say!

Further information about the inquiry can be found here.