Subordinate Legislation Committee to take evidence from health minister on NHS Redress (Wales) Measure 2007

Published 15/10/2007   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

Subordinate Legislation Committee to take evidence from health minister on NHS Redress (Wales) Measure 2007

The Subordinate Legislation Committee of the National Assembly for Wales will tomorrow be questioning Health Minister Edwina Hart about her proposed new legislation on NHS compensation.

The Committee will be discussing the proposed NHS Redress (Wales) Measure 2007 at its next meeting at Committee Room 3, Senedd, Cardiff on Tuesday October 16th 2007.

To ensure that scrutiny of this Measure is as effective as possible, the Committee will consider contributions from both internal and external sources. At the meeting on tomorrow the Members will have a discussion with the Minister for Health and Social Services Edwina Hart MBE AM.

Chair of the Committee, Dr Dai Lloyd AM said: "Today we will have an opportunity to discuss with the Minister the concerns expressed to us by other witnesses.  She will have an opportunity to answer suggestions that the Measure would transfer too much legislative responsibility from the Assembly to Welsh Ministers.  It should make for an interesting meeting."

The meeting takes place at Committee Room 3, Senedd, Cardiff  between 8.15am and 9.15am on Tuesday October 16th 2007. Full details and an agenda

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