Sustainability Committee to scrutinise Government’s draft budget

Published 12/11/2007   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

Sustainability Committee to scrutinise Government’s draft budget

The Assembly’s Sustainability Committee will be scrutinising the Welsh Assembly Government’s draft budget at its next meeting on Thursday November 15.

Jane Davidson, Minister for Sustainability, will attend the meeting to answer questions on the budget and Members will also discuss the rural development sub-Committee’s report on its scrutiny of the budget at its meeting last week.

The Committee will also continue its inquiry into Carbon Reduction in Wales, taking evidence from Jocelyn Davies AM, Deputy Minister for Housing and considering a scoping paper on the transport section of the inquiry.

The meeting takes place at 9.30am on Thursday November 15 in Committee Room 3, Senedd, Cardiff Bay.

Further details about the Committee and its inquiry.