Triple first for Assembly as minister backs proposals that could ensure a Wales-wide network of safe pedestrian and cycle routes.

Published 19/11/2009   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

Triple first for Assembly as minister backs proposals that could ensure a Wales-wide network of safe pedestrian and cycle routes

19 November 2009

Transport Minister Ieuan Wyn Jones AM has confirmed that the Welsh Government will back the National Assembly Enterprise & Learning Committee’s proposed legislation on Highways and Transport.

The proposed Legislative Competence Order (LCO) could lead to a duty on local authorities to ensure the creation and upkeep of a network of pedestrian and cycle routes across Wales.

“This is a triple first when it comes to creating new laws for Wales,” said Chair of the Enterprise and Learning Committee, Gareth Jones AM.

“Not only is this the first LCO to be proposed by an Assembly Committee but it is also the first to come directly from the National Assembly’s petitions process.

“Furthermore, the petition came directly from civic society. It was proposed by sustainable transport charity Sustrans and backed by many voluntary organisations.

“We are delighted that the Welsh Government is supporting our Committee as it is a perfect example of the law makers in Wales listening to the needs of the people of Wales. It’s democracy in action.”

Lee Waters, National Director, Sustrans Cymru, said:'Sustrans responded to the call from the National Assembly to come forward with ideas for new laws.Our proposal has had broad support from civil society - ranging from BT, the Royal Mail, the Children’s Commissioner, the British Medical Associationand Age Concern.

'Once enacted it will encourage the Welsh Government and local authorities to do more to create a network of safe routes for walking and cycling across Wales. I hope it will mark the beginning of the end for random pieces of path which do not link up to forma network and are badly maintained.

'Today's announcement is an important step towards creating ahealthier and more sustainable Wales.'

Extra information

  1. The National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) Highways and Transport Order 2009 will confer further legislative competence on the National Assembly for Wales in the field of Highways and Transport.

  2. The Minister agreed to support the Order on the provision that negotiations would not start until March 2010, by which time the current program of Welsh Government proposed orders will have largely been progressed through Whitehall.

  3. The petition was presented by Sustrans and supported by the following organisations:BT Cymru, Royal Mail, BMA Cymru, Age Concern Cymru, NUT Cymru, NAHT Cymru, Play Wales, WWF Cymru, Groundwork Wales, Keep Wales Tidy, Council for National Parks, Cambrian Mountain Society, Friends of the Earth Cymru.