Welsh Commonwealth champions to be celebrated at the Senedd

Published 11/08/2022   |   Last Updated 11/08/2022   |   Reading Time minutes

Wales’s Commonwealth squad will be given a hero’s welcome home at the Senedd in Cardiff Bay on Friday, 12 August, with an opportunity for people to come along and celebrate the athletes’ success at the Games.

Having secured 28 medals during the 12 days of competition, Team Wales returned home after yesterday’s (8 August) closing ceremony in Birmingham.

Medal-winning athletes and coaches will be welcomed to the Senedd by the Deputy Llywydd, David Rees MS, and the First Minister, Mark Drakeford MS. 

And Team Wales will be presented with medals commemorating their performances during the event outside the Senedd, with the public invited to join the celebrations from 5.30pm.

There will be entertainment from the musical theatre supergroup ‘Welsh at the West End’ and a four-piece jazz band from the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama will provide a rendition of the national anthem to end the proceedings on a high note.

David Rees MS, the Deputy Llywydd of the Senedd, said:

“Team Wales have once again made our nation proud. It will be a great privilege to welcome the athletes and coaches, to the Senedd this Friday evening, for a public celebration of their amazing achievements.

“There is no doubt that the dedication, sportsmanship and hard work showcased by Team Wales at the 2022 Commonwealth Games has been a true inspiration to us all. Once again, they have proved that Wales is a nation of heroes – so let’s give them a hero’s welcome home.”