Welsh Government needs to show more leadership in tackling disability-related harassment

Published 19/12/2011   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Welsh Government needs to show more leadership in tackling disability-related harassment

19 December 2011

A lack of leadership and information sharing is hampering attempts to tackle disability-related harassment in Wales, according to a new report from the National Assembly for Wales.

The Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee believes the Welsh Government should make eliminating the problem a higher priority and do more to encourage relevant agencies and authorities to work together.

The inquiry found numerous example of best practice for educating around Wales but heard evidence that this information wasn’t being shared.

The main findings of the Committee reflect those detailed in the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) report ‘Hidden In Plain Sight’, released earlier this year.

“The EHRC’s report highlighted the extent of disability-related harassment in Wales,” said Ann Jones AM, Chair of the Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee.

“We have detailed in our report how local authorities, police, support groups, charities and other related agencies can combine their efforts, led by a strategic framework put in place by the Welsh Government.

“Disability-related harassment is unacceptable in modern society and we believe closer co-operation can help to educate people and eradicate the problem entirely.”

The Committee makes ten recommendations within its report which will now be sent to the Welsh Government for consideration.