You’re hired! Assembly inquiry examines Apprenticeships in Wales

Published 05/03/2012   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

You’re hired! Assembly inquiry examines Apprenticeships in Wales

5 March 2012

A National Assembly for Wales committee has opened a consultation on an inquiry into apprenticeships in Wales.

Among the questions the Enterprise and Business Committee will address is whether the system of apprenticeships is providing effective support to the Welsh economy and whether the current and future skills needs for employers in Wales are being met.

More than 53,000 people were part of apprenticeship related work-based learning programmes in 2006/07. That number fell to just over 40,000 in 2009/10.

The inquiry will examine the reasons behind the steady decrease in the number of people taking up apprenticeships and ask how the Welsh Government is meeting its commitment to increase opportunities as stated in its Programme for Government 2011-2016.

“The Welsh Government’s own figures regarding apprenticeship uptakes are a concern, particularly in the current economic climate,” said Nick Ramsay AM, Chair of the Enterprise and Business Committee.

“We will be examining the factors behind this decline as part of our inquiry and the framework in place to remedy it.”

“We will also be talking to young people to find out why they do or don’t take up apprenticeships and what can be done to make them more attractive.

“And we will be speaking to employers to establish whether the apprenticeships currently available are equipping Welsh companies and organisations for the future.”

Anyone wishing to contribute to the inquiry can email:, or write to: Clerk to the Enterprise and Business Committee, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff, CF99 1NA. Submissions should be received by 6 April 2012.