Young People to address Children and Young People Committee

Published 08/07/2008   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Young People to address Children and Young People Committee

The Assembly’s Children and Young People Committee will take evidence from two groups of young people at its next meeting on Wednesday July 9th, 2008.

The groups, from Rhondda & Taff Ely Young Carers and Tanyard Youth Facility in Pembroke will give evidence in relation to the committee’s inquiry into child poverty in Wales and will discuss issues such as School Uniforms, Free School Meals, Free School Breakfasts, and School Trips with committee members.

Chair of the Committee Helen Mary Jones said: “I look forward to welcoming our young guests to the Senedd for the meeting. The committee is currently investigating the issue of child poverty in Wales and it is only right that we discuss the subject with young people who are affected by it so that we get a clear picture of the issues that are important to them and the areas they would like to see addressed. I am sure they have put a lot of work into their presentations to the committee and I am eager to hear their views.”

Following the meeting both groups will have a tour of the Senedd.

The meeting will take place at 9:45am on Wednesday, July 9th, in Committee Room 2, Senedd, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff Bay.

More details about the Committee