Your chance to shape a new law to help carers in Wales
Carers could get more information and advice from the NHS and local authorities under a proposed measure being considered by the National Assembly for Wales’s Legislation Committee No. 5.
The Committee is calling for evidence to help consider the proposed Carers Strategy (Wales) Measure. If approved the proposed measure would serve two purposes. It would charge authorities with informing carers of the rights and benefits they are entitled to. And it would ensure authorities involve carers when deciding which services to offer them or the person they are caring for.
Chair of Legislation Committee No. 5 Mark Isherwood AM said: “There can be no doubt that more should be done to help those who give their time to care for and assist either loved ones or other people in their community.
“It seems staggering that 70 percent of carers in the community are unpaid and they must be supported in whatever way we can.
“But while emotion and compassion may tell us that more legislation is needed, it must be the right legislation. That is why we, the Committee, want to here from anyone who could be directly affected by this proposed measure.”
Anyone wanting to submit evidence to the Committee can email the committee clerk at or via post to: Committee Clerk, Legislation Committee No. 5, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff, CF99 1NA.
Further information on the Proposed Measure can be accessed here: Proposed Carers Strategies (Wales) Measure