Scam HMRC Calls At The Assembly – What You Need To Know

Published 20/06/2019   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

You may have seen news reports about fraudulent callers posing as the HMRC, using National Assembly for Wales contact numbers. We wanted to explain a little bit about what’s going on and what you can do if you receive one of these calls.

About spoof calls

Callers are left a message saying they are being threatened with legal action, and are asked to call the number back. The number then leads to one of us here at the Assembly. Unfortunately, this is completely unconnected to any of our systems and we cannot stop this happening.

This type of scam is known as ‘spoofing’ - where a fraudster is able to fool the telephone network to give the person receiving the call a false caller ID.

It’s an issue that is also being experienced by other organisations with similar phone numbers. We have informed the National Crime Agency and Action Fraud of the issue and are also working with HMRC.

What to do if you receive a spoof call

If you’ve received one of these calls, please don’t call the number back. If you’re concerned, you can follow HMRC's advice below.

Getting in Touch with the National Assembly for Wales If you need to get in touch with the National Assembly for Wales, you can contact us via:

Telephone: 0300 200 6565 - we welcome calls from people using Next Generation Text (NGT)

SMS: 07970 493958


Access and complete our online enquiry form

