Statement of Process from Chief Executive and Clerk of the Senedd

Published 11/11/2024   |   Last Updated 17/01/2025

Recruiting to vacancies on the Independent Remuneration Board of the Senedd 

The Independent Remuneration Board of the Senedd is a statutory independent body with the objective of ensuring an open and transparent process for determining remuneration of Welsh Ministers, Senedd Members, Members’ staff, and other financial resources.   The Board plays an essential part in maintaining public trust in our democratic system.   

Today, I am launching a recruitment to seek new Members to join the Board. In seeking new members for the Board, my aim is to ensure that, as a whole, the Board is made up of members with a complementary range of skills and backgrounds.  

The Board is made up of a Chair and four members.  Members of the Board can be appointed for up to a maximum of two 5-year terms. I anticipate there being three vacancies within the next 12 months.  

The Board has one immediate vacancy, following the resignation of the Rt Hon Lord Hanson of Flint. For this vacancy, we are seeking a Board member with political experience as a former elected politician. The Board will have two future vacancies when two Board Members come to the end of their tenure in September 2025.
Mike Redhouse resigned from the Board, effective from 6 January and so given there is now an additional immediate vacancy on the Board I (the Clerk/Chief Executive) will proceed to fill this vacancy in accordance with Section 1 of the National Assembly for Wales (Remuneration) Measure 2010. I therefore propose, depending on candidates’ prior commitments, that one of the candidates selected for appointment from September 2025 should commence their role as soon as possible.

In accordance with paragraphs 1-4 of Schedule 2 to the National Assembly for Wales (Remuneration) Measure 2010, having considered relevant matters, I consider that the current members of the Board, whose first term would otherwise end in September 2025, including the Chair, are eligible for appointment for a second term and are not required to submit an application.    

When the current recruitment process has been concluded, I will notify to the Senedd Commission- 


  1. the name of the person who in accordance with these arrangements, is to be appointed as Chair; 
  2. the name of the person who has been selected to take up the immediate vacancy on the Board; 
  3. names of persons who have been selected, in accordance with these arrangements, to be members of the Board when vacancies arise in September 2025; and 
  4. names of current members of the Board who will be appointed for a second term. 


The Senedd Commission is required to appoint as Chair, and as members of the Board (as the case may be) those whose names have been notified to them by the Chief Executive and Clerk. 

The selection panel will assess candidates’ CVs and Supporting statements to determine who best meets the criteria for the role and who will be invited to interview. 

The panel will be chaired by me and will also comprise an external or independent representative and a member of the Commission’s Independent Advisers. 

The panel will have due regard to the principle that there should be equality of opportunity for all people.   

A reserve list will be held for 12 months. 

The job description and details of the application process can be found here: 


Manon Antoniazzi 

Chief Executive and Clerk of the Senedd