The Senedd's International Framework was agreed in September 2022 by the Senedd Commission and is implemented by colleagues across the organisation, including the Llywydd's Private Office, Research, and Senedd Committees.

The Framework provides accountability, clarity and direction to the international parliamentary activity resourced by the Senedd Commission, and is based on the principles that our international activities will:

  1. Be focused on Parliamentary business, enabling the Senedd to deliver its core function of representing the interests of Wales and its people by enhancing the exchange of knowledge, ideas and experience; and
  2. Recognise the value and importance of building the institutional and international reputation of the Senedd through engagement and collaboration, whether it be Member or Committee-led, official level or Parliament to Parliament.

International Framework Sixth Senedd

In implementing the Framework, details of international activity including reports and blogs are regularly shared on this website. Updates are available at the links below. 

Picture of a globe

Recent updates

Visit of the Ceann Comhairle of Dáil Éireann

In March 2024, the Senedd welcomed Seán Ó Fearghaíl, the Ceann Comhairle for a day programme that included meetings with the Llywyddion and members.

Read more about the visit here

Westminster Seminar - Senedd Programme

As part of the CPA UK's flagship Westminster Seminar, in March 2024 the Senedd hosted a day programme for members and clerks from small and sub-national legislatures from across the Commonwealth.

Read more about the day programme here.

66th BIPA Plenary - Wicklow, Ireland

The 66th BIPA Plenary was held in Co. Wicklow in April 2024, where the Senedd was represented by Heledd Fychan MS, Darren Millar MS, and Sarah Murphy MS. Members agreed 2023’s Annual Report and the BIPA Economic Committee’s report on Government Energy Strategy and Consumer Energy Policy.

The Plenary focussed on Tourism and heard from the British and Irish Ambassadors as well as new Taoiseach Simon Harris TD. The next Plenary will be held in September, on the theme of Defence & Security.

More information available here

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