Published 02/10/2007
  |   Last Updated 14/07/2014
Assembly to focus on Carbon Reduction.
The Sustainability Committee of the National Assembly for Wales will meet to take evidence on its first scrutiny inquiry into Carbon Reduction in Wales on Thursday October 4
th at 9.30am.
In 1997, the UK committed itself to a domestic target of reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 20 per cent below 1990 levels by 2010.
The One Wales document, which outlines the programme of the coalition government, proposes to reduce carbon emissions in Wales by 3% per year by 2011 in areas of devolved competence.
The Sustainability Committee is acting quickly to scrutinise the Welsh Assembly Government on its contribution to the UK target and how it proposes to meet the target outlined in the One Wales document.
During the meeting the Committee will take evidence from:
- The Environment Agency;
- The Sustainable Development Commission;
- The Energy Saving Trust; and
- The Carbon Trust
The presenters will be providing evidence on the current situation relating carbon reduction in Wales and placing it within the context of climate change in Wales, the UK and Europe.
The Committee will then break the inquiry down into topics for the purpose of focused evidence gathering and will scrutinise the relevant Government Ministers at the end of each topic.
The topics to be covered are:
- Residential carbon reduction
- Carbon reduction by transport
- Carbon reduction by industry and public bodies
- Carbon reduction from electricity generation (including renewable energy)
- Rural land use management and carbon reduction
- The Planning system’s contribution to carbon reduction
Each topic will be started by a written consultation so that organisations and individuals can let the Committee know their views on the issues.
Chair of the Committee, Mick Bates AM, said: “My belief is that by reducing carbon emissions we can achieve every aspect of our environmental ambitions for Wales - we can improve our local environments, secure a green economy and ensure a more sustainable future for the generations ahead. I look forward to hearing the evidence and learning how we can all make a difference.”
Full details about the committee, the inquiry and the agenda