Committee Chairs to be elected by secret ballot

Published 15/06/2016   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

​Today, the Business Committee has agreed that the committee Chairs of the Fifth Assembly are to be elected by a secret ballot of all Members. This move gives Chairs and their committee members a mandate to develop their work programmes independently which strengthens their ability to represent the people of Wales and their interests and hold the Welsh Government to account.  

A significant change from previous Assemblies, the Llywydd, Elin Jones AM, said:

“The Business Committee’s decision to allow a secret ballot to elect Assembly Chairs is in keeping with my pledge as Llywydd to safeguard the interests of all Assembly Members and treat them all equally.

The decision not only demonstrates the Business Committee’s commitment to upholding that principle, but also its intention to pursue procedural reform where necessary to ensure that the people of Wales get the democracy they demand and deserve”.

The Business Committee’s decision will require a change to the Assembly’s Standing Orders to facilitate the election of Chairs. Detailed proposals will be published once they have been agreed by Business Committee.