Equality Committee to consider Government response to its report on services for young disabled people

Published 08/03/2007   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Equality Committee to consider Government response to its report on services for young disabled people

The National Assembly’s Equality Committee is holding an extra meeting this week to discuss the Welsh Assembly Government’s response to its review of services for young disabled people. The Committee’s review looked at areas such as education and training, transport, independent living and legislation. The final report, published in January, made a total of forty wide-ranging recommendations. These included more involvement for young disabled people to choose their own carers, better complaints procedures and more suitable rented accommodation to be made available. Gwenda Thomas AM, Chair of the Committee, said she hoped review would encourage other policy and decision-makers in the future to see the benefit of working directly and appropriately in partnership with young people when developing policies and delivering services. The meeting to discuss the WAG response will be held at 2pm, Thursday March 8 in Committee Room 3, Senedd Cardiff Bay. Full details and an agenda At the same meeting, Members will consider the Committee’s annual report and its legacy report to the Third Assembly.