Finance Committee consults on asset management inquiry

Published 05/12/2012   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Finance Committee consults on asset management inquiry

05 December 2012

The National Assembly for Wales’s Finance Committee has opened a public consultation on the issue of asset management in Wales.

The inquiry will examine two main areas:

  • The processes involved in the management of the Welsh Government’s own estate; and

  • guidance, support and the promotion of good practice by the Welsh Government in relation to asset management across the wider Welsh public sector.

The Committee is looking for views on questions including:

  • Is asset management linked to wider strategic and policy objectives, both in the Welsh Government, and across the wider public sector?

  • What lessons can, or have, been learnt from existing good practice in Wales, or elsewhere, in relation to approaches to asset management improvement in the public sector.

  • What progress has been made by the Welsh Government in strategic asset management and implementing initiatives to improve the efficiency of asset management across the Welsh public sector?

“All public sector organisations own or use a range of assets,” said Jocelyn Davies AM, Chair of the Finance Committee.

“And all are obliged to use them in the most effective way to meet corporate and service objectives.

“The Welsh Government has invested heavily in its estate including new offices in Llandudno and Aberystwyth to spread jobs and economic benefits across Wales.

“We want to see these benefits, evidence of value for money and what examples of best practice it is learning and sharing with other public sector organisations.”

Anyone wishing to contribute to the consultation can either email: or write to: Clerk to the Finance Committee, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff, CF99 1NA.

The closing date for submissions is Friday 11 January 2013.