Public poll winner for Assembly committee inquiry

Published 22/10/2018   |   Last Updated 22/10/2018

​The National Assembly’s Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee has announced the winner of its latest public poll to choose a new inquiry subject.

Teaching Welsh history, culture and heritage.

Nearly 2,500 people responded to a survey the Committee over the summer to give people a direct say on what it should be doing.

There were a range of options for the public to choose from including using the arts to improve health and wellbeing and Welsh in the digital world.

But the clear winner was an inquiry looking at the teaching of Welsh history, culture and heritage.

“I’d like to thank everyone who took part in the poll,” said Bethan Sayed, Chair of the Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee.

“From the outset the Committee was keen to let the public in Wales shape our programme of work.

“We’ve done this by consulting on the issues that people in Wales want us to look at.  But, we’ve gone further and agreed that the public should choose some of our inquiries.

“How Welsh history, culture and heritage is taught is an important subject and one that clearly captured the attention of the vast majority of people.

“We will consider how we go about this inquiry with the intention of launching a public consultation before Christmas.

“But we won’t forget about the other issues either and will find ways of including them as part of our work.”

In 2016 the Committee ran a public poll asking people to suggest subjects they should look at. That year the Committee undertook an inquiry which examined access to music in education.

This year’s options were derived from the original list of topics suggested.