Slow leadership on electric cars from Welsh Government – Assembly committee releases initial findings

Published 13/03/2019   |   Last Updated 13/03/2019

The Welsh Government has been slow in showing leadership on improving electric car provision in Wales, according to the initial findings of a National Assembly committee inquiry.


The emerging themes in the Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee inquiry show Wales could benefit greatly from increased electric car use, but that would require significant changes to the current power and road infrastructure. These could help eliminate barriers including range anxiety when potential users worry about their ability to complete a full journey.

The Committee also concludes that any shift towards an electric car culture should not exclude the poorest people in Wales.

The Welsh Government recently announced a £2 million investment in improving the charge point infrastructure, but the Committee questions whether that is enough and asks what ministers are doing to encourage private sector investment, particularly in rural areas.

In publishing its initial findings now, the Committee wants to hear from vehicle users, suppliers and anyone with an interest in the area to help shape its final report, including any recommendations.


"It is clear from our initial discussions that the electric vehicle infrastructure in Wales is limited and that it would struggle to cope with a significant increase in its use," said Russell George AM, Chair of the Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee.

"But it is also becoming clear what benefits an electric car revolution would bring in terms of reducing CO2 emissions and protecting the Welsh environment.

"We believe there has been a lack of leadership from the Welsh Government up to this point.

"In releasing our initial findings we hope to begin a serious conversation between the government, stakeholders and the Welsh public on what the future of electric vehicles looks like in Wales and what it would take to deliver it.

"I would urge anyone to take a look at our emerging conclusions and contribute to the discussion points they raise to help form the recommendations of our final report."

People wishing to contribute can do so through an online discussions channel set up for the inquiry, or by finding out more information from the Committee's web pages.

The final report will be published later this year.


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