Statement by the National Assembly’s Presiding Officer Rosemary Butler AM, in response to the Supreme Court Judgment on the Local Government Byelaws (Wales) Bill 2012:

Published 21/11/2012   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

Statement by the National Assembly’s Presiding Officer Rosemary Butler AM, in response to the Supreme Court Judgment on the Local Government Byelaws (Wales) Bill 2012:

21 November 2012

“The unanimous ruling of the Supreme Court is a victory for the National Assembly for Wales” said Presiding Officer, Rosemary Butler AM. “It confirms the authoritative legal advice given to me and demonstrates that the Assembly is a mature institution that has the right procedures and staff in place to interpret and implement the devolution settlement.

“Our system of law-making in Wales is unique in the world and still evolving. It is more complicated in its approach than the Scottish and Northern Irish models, and this ruling today is another chapter in that process which demonstrates that the Assembly is making good law for Wales.

“I welcome today’s judgment and I am grateful to the Supreme Court for their thorough examination of the matter.”