The National Assembly is coming to Pride Cymru

Published 12/08/2014   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024

​Throughout the summer, the National Assembly for Wales will be touring the length and breadth of Wales in our specially designed bus.

We will be at Pride Cymru on 16 August with a wide range of activities for families and young people, as well as providing information about the work of the National Assembly for Wales and the role of Assembly Members.

This year we are especially interested to know your thoughts on recycling in Wales, as part of an inquiry into how local councils can improve their existing recycling services and encourage greater levels of participation. Your views will go towards creating recommendations for how recycling will be collected in the future.

We are also keen to know your views on the existence of psychoactive substances, more commonly known as ‘legal highs’. We want to know what you think about the safety of legal highs, how much you know about them, if you know how to get hold of them and if you are aware of the help and support available to people who have taken legal highs.

Find some time to visit us and learn more about how the Assembly works for you and what we are doing to make the Assembly one of Stonewall’s top employers for LGB people in the UK.