[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxKDwnrYvMs&w=560&h=315]
Another highlight has been teaching the canteen staff to serve in Welsh. It is a thrill for me to hear them use the phrases they have learnt at work, and I always look forward to my sessions with the team as they always bring so much fun with them. [caption id="attachment_1185" align="alignnone" width="660"] Assembly canteen staff each holding up a card to complete the phrase: 'Schmae! Dyn ni'n dysgu gweini yn Gymraeg.'[/caption] Here are some handy phrases that they have learnt that may be useful to us all to get us through the day at work: coffi gwyn white coffee coffi du black coffee coffi gwyn bach small white coffee coffi du bach small black coffee coffi gwyn mawr large white coffee coffi du mawr large black coffee Ga i helpu? May I help? Dyna chi There you are Diolch Thank you Croeso You’re welcome Pysgod a Sglods Fish and Chips Brechdan Sandwich Bara brown Brown bread Bara gwyn White bread One thing that has struck me since I started in this post in November is how difficult it can be for learners to have an opportunity to speak Welsh outside the classroom. Therefore, I’d like to use the space that I have left to call on all Welsh speakers to give our learners a chance – turning to English can undermine their confidence that they can communicate in Welsh. So, Welsh speakers and Welsh learners, give it a go! Pob lwc! Watch Anna teaching Dewi the Dragon some key Welsh phrases in this short video:[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nqUeCam-rg&w=560&h=315]