Assembly People: Morgan Reeves, Facilities Customer Services Support

Published 29/07/2014   |   Last Updated 29/07/2014

Morgan I applied for the Apprenticeship Scheme in The National Assembly while still in school, after hearing a lot about the organisation and decided this offered a huge opportunity not to be missed. On receiving the application form, I firstly felt a sense of maturity as this was the first job I had ever applied for. After initially a little anxious, I found the application form quite a confidence booster as for a change I was bigging myself up! After receiving a request to attend the assessment centre, I attended the red brick building of Tŷ Hywel with high hopes. The assessment centre programme was challenging but also rewarding at the same time as it provided an opportunity for me to sell myself to the assessors including one which was to be my potential line manager. A memorable part of the whole assessment day was the chance to have a tour of the prestigious Senedd building, which to this day still retains the same prestigious feeling as I walk through it. After being successful at the assessment centre I was asked to attend an interview. On arriving at the National Assembly for Wales on the day of my interview I felt nervous but also proud that I had reached this stage. At first I feared the interview would be very formal and quite daunting – this was not the case, the interviewers helped me flourish and were listening intently to my every word. Following the interview I was thrilled to be informed that I had been accepted into The National Assembly of Wales Apprenticeship Scheme. Prior to starting work, we were invited to meet our future line mangers and Heads of Service a few weeks before and this allowed us to familiarise ourselves with some of the people we would be working with and also to get to know about our roles within the organisation. On that day, I also learnt that I was to be a member of the Sustainability Team while also playing a big part within the Facilities Management side of the department. At first I didn’t quite understand what my role would undertake, but after meeting with my line manager and future Head of Service this gave me a better understanding. I have since worked within the same department for over a year, I have grown up mentally and matured beyond my teenage years! This opportunity has enabled me to develop myself both personally and professionally with the making of a bright future ahead.   Assembly People is a series of blog and video submissions by different staff members explaining their roles at the Assembly.