The Senedd: words from visitors
Published 05/08/2014   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024
[caption id="attachment_818" align="alignnone" width="679"] Image from Flickr by astronomy_blog. Licensed under the Creative Commons.[/caption]
As well as being the seat of devolution in Wales, the Senedd is also open year round as a visitor attraction. You can have a tour around the building and learn about politics in Wales from one of the tour guides, or you can attend Plenary or a committee meeting. There are events and exhibitions on all year round, so we get plenty of visitors who come for all sorts of reasons.
Recently we finished our visitor guestbook, and took the opportunity to read through some of the messages people had left. It’s a good way to understand what people really enjoy about their visits to the Senedd.
We had a lot of positive comments:
“I love the open feel of this building!” – Andrea, Iowa, USA.
“Staff cyfeillgar dros ben” - Pedr, Caerdydd.
“Better than on TV!” – Carole, North Wales.
“Very friendly and informative staff.” – Claire, Stoke-on-trent.
“Hooray for democracy!” – Rob, Isle of Wight.
“Great that the seat of Welsh govn. Is open to all to explore and learn.” – Leanne, Cwmbran.
“Love this place, love this country.” Laurence, Bath.
“Beautiful building with a warm welcome from staff. Thanks.” – Simon, Farnham.
“Hands down the best Senedd I’ve been to.” – Sharon, Cyprus.
“I couldn’t give higher praises!” Helmina, Finland.
“Makes me proud to be Welsh.” Andrew, Pontypridd.
There were some in particular for the facilities:
“Really nice toilets!” – Raynor, Bangor.
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And as with all things, there were people who didn’t enjoy their visits so much, for various reasons:
“Waste of money. Another un-needed tear of Government.” – Sarah, Bridgend.
“Clean the water staining on the glass. Have pride in your assembly.” – Richard, London.
“Satisfactory. It was good but a bit boring.” Savannah, aged 10, Cardiff.
“Not bad, not bad at all, in fact, it was ok.” – R, England.
“Why was no one at work today?” Mrs. Stephenson, Taxpayer, Mid Wales.
There were other comments that didn’t seem to be related to much, but were still nice to read:
“May peace and love be with you all.” – Dan, a Peace Pilgrim.
“Came to see my daddy’s dragon. Had a lovely day.” Katie, Blaina.
[caption id="attachment_813" align="alignnone" width="679"] Image from Flickr by Just Ard. Licensed under the Creative Commons.[/caption]
We had a couple of comments about the mace:
“Glad to see the mace is well looked after.” – Jill, Sydney.
“It was great, but I didn’t get to touch the gold thing.” Jason, Birmingham.
The overall winners seemed to be our tour guides Richard and Gareth, who won scores of fans:
“The children hadn’t realised politics could be so much fun! What a wonderful tour led by Gareth!” – Anon. Rhyl.
“Merci a Richard pour la visite. **heart emoticon** ” Emeline, France.
“Gareth is very nice and handsome. I will remember him all my life long.” – Pauline, Nantes.
It’s also humbling to be reminded how much more developed our democratic system is than in some other countries:
“Impressed by your transparency!” – Anna, Ukraine.
“Compared to ours, it’s perfect.” – Ben, Tunisia.
[caption id="attachment_808" align="alignnone" width="679"] Image from Flickr by plumandjello. Licensed under the Creative Commons.[/caption]
We take a lot of pride in the Senedd as being the heart of Welsh democracy, but also as a building that is open to the public. Organisations and community groups are welcome to hold events in the Senedd as long as they can get sponsorship from an Assembly Member, which means we get a great spread of events and exhibitions in the building.
If you would like to see what’s currently on at the Senedd, please visit our calendar for more information.
If you’re interested in holding an event at the Senedd, please visit our Events Information pages
If you’re unable to make it to Cardiff Bay to visit the Assembly, you can always look around the building through our Virtual Tour.
Or have a look at the #senedd hashtag through images on Flickr
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@assemblywales on Twitter
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