Sponsored by the Senedd Climate Change, Environment, and Infrastructure Committee
Dates: 1 June – 1 September
Location: Senedd Oriel & Pierhead Futures Gallery

Mike Perry’s contemporary landscape photography opens our eyes to the conflict between human activities and the urgent need to tackle our environmental problems.
In these times of climate emergency and biodiversity loss, the artist’s work asks us to change our relationship with the natural world. Instead of melting ice-caps and burning rainforests, the artist focuses our attention on the environmental crisis at home.
Land/Sea brings together two ongoing bodies of work that have been touring Wales and internationally for a number of years.

In the ‘Land’ artworks, the artist focuses on places commonly called ‘areas of natural beauty’. Capturing settings like our national parks, Perry uses the artwork to explore man’s impact on these spaces.
Môr Plastig (Welsh for ‘plastic sea’) is a body of work that classifies objects washed up by the sea into three groupings: bottles, shoes and grids. Perry uses a high-resolution camera to capture the intriguing surface detail found on each object.
The artist lives and works in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, Wales.

Land/Sea is a Ffotogallery Touring Exhibition
The exhibition has been delivered in partnership with Ffotogallery and Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales.
Share your Voice

You can see some of the plastic items photographed by Mike on our Welsh Dresser in the Senedd.
Why not pick up a postcard and share your response with us.
Can you select an object from the Welsh Dresser and create a story about its original owner?
What will future generations understand about us from the objects we leave behind?