Apply to hold your event

Published 24/02/2021   |   Last Updated 30/08/2024   |   Reading Time minutes

Holding an event on the Senedd estate allows your voice to be heard at the heart of Welsh democracy.

Submit an application form now, to find out if we can host your event.


Who can apply

Event spaces at the Senedd can be booked by Members of the Senedd, Member Support Staff, Commission Staff; and requested by external organisers.

Events at the Senedd

Events at the Senedd are typically split into three different categories:

    1. Event: hosted in one of our public venues, the Senedd or the Pierhead. Your event might include a reception, performance, networking, information stands, awards ceremony, conference, lecture, or similar.
    2. Seminar or briefing: a short event focusing on a particular policy area or report launch; these events are delivered in our smaller conference rooms. Guest numbers are limited in these spaces.
    3. Y Farchnad (marketplace): a monthly networking event where you can host a stand in the Senedd to raise awareness of a cause or issue affecting your organisation.

How to apply

  1. Please complete an application form, with as much detail as possible about your event proposal. Event spaces book up early, so we recommend applying 5-6 months before you would like to hold an event.

  2. When we’ve received your application it will be reviewed to ensure it meets our terms and conditions.

  3. We will contact you to let you know if your event is approved and we will confirm the date, time and location.

  4. Before your event can take place, we will ask for proof of sponsorship from a Member of the Senedd. We will also ask to review your event invitations before you send them to guests.

  5. Around eight weeks before your event, we will let you know who your Senedd event officer is. Your event officer will show you around the venue and support you to finalise all the important details about delivering your event.

  6. Anyone who hosts an events at the Senedd must invite all Members of the Senedd to attend, further details on our Terms and Conditions can be found here.